
”From the moment I opened my eyes I saw stones. I have been sculpting since I was 8 years old. I had a great example in the back yard: my father. In my father's workshop I learned my trade.”

Alexandru Constantin Marinete was born in 1980, in Romania. The early artist perfected his talent through different courses but mainly studying at National Art Colleage ”Nicolae Tonita” and later at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, being licensed as Sculptor.

Nontheless, year by year he contemplated in his art works, memories from different continents he visited or where he had the pleasure to exhibit.

”Sculpture is not really appreciated in our country. I could very easily do something else and it would have been much easier for me, but for me it's all about the passion. I chose to make the sculpture and I can say that I am not sorry. Once you understand the stone, the marble, it's hard to stay away from it. Then, it is also the artist's duty to society to give him something beautiful, that pleases the eye and the soul.” With this frame, the artist exposed his wish to express sensorial perception when sculpting.


”From the moment I opened my eyes I saw stones. I have been sculpting since I was 8 years old. I had a great example in the back yard: my father. In my father's workshop I learned my trade.”

Alexandru Constantin Marinete was born in 1980, in Romania. The early artist perfected his talent through different courses but mainly studying at National Art Colleage ”Nicolae Tonita” and later at the National University of Arts in Bucharest, being licensed as Sculptor. 

Nontheless, year by year he contemplated in his art works, memories from different continents he visited or where he had the pleasure to exhibit.

”Sculpture is not really appreciated in our country. I could very easily do something else and it would have been much easier for me, but for me it's all about the passion. I chose to make the sculpture and I can say that I am not sorry. Once you understand the stone, the marble, it's hard to stay away from it. Then, it is also the artist's duty to society to give him something beautiful, that pleases the eye and the soul.” With this frame, the artist exposed his wish to express sensorial perception when sculpting. 
